The NSE Case: The Yogi and the Commissariat

The NSE Case, where Chitra Ramkrishna and a Paramahamsa took the world’s leading derivatives exchange to the cleaners

National Stock Exchange Head Office, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai
The National Stock Exchange

“Man is neither angel nor brute, and his misery is that he who would act the angel acts the brute.” – Blaise Pascal

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My corporate governance experience

Henry Martin on Corporate Governance
Henry Martin’s famous cartoon, “All Those in Favor Say ‘Aye'”

I initially thought of titling this Advice to a Young Director, in the manner of Advice to a Young Scientist by Sir Peter Medawar, the British-Brazilian biologist and writer of Lebanese origin, and Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1960). Writing of Medawar, “The wittiest of all scientific writers,” wrote Richard Dawkins, and “the cleverest man I have ever known,” wrote Stephen Jay Gould. Coming from Dawkins and Gould, there cannot be higher praise. Medawar’s short book, suggested by a Physics Professor at IIT Madras, stayed an inspiration through my research. It is highly recommended for researchers in any discipline including corporate governance. Continue reading “My corporate governance experience”


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